Sunday, March 12, 2023

#HILJclub discusses "Google is goodish"

HILJClub aims to encouraging engagement with articles published in HILJ (Health Information & Libraries Journal). Someone writes an introduction to their chosen article and sets articles for discussion in the comments. The latest contribution is by Rachel Holmes (Clinical Librarian, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, UK) who introduces:
Lacey, P. (2021) Google is goodish: An information literacy course designed to teach users why Google may not be the best place to search for evidence Health Information and Libraries Journal, 39 (1), 91-95.
Holmes set the questions:
- Should health librarians accept that Google searching is here to stay and start to teach such sessions as these or should we still be trying to promote the more traditional use of the medical and nursing literature databases?
- What else can usefully be included in information literacy sessions taught by health librarians?
- Will you change your practice as a result of reading this article? If so, tell us how!
You will see some interesting responses in the comments, and you are free to add your own thoughts.

Image by Sheila Webber & Midjourney: this rather odd image (perhaps in a doctor's waiting room in an outpost of some unknown country) was created with the prompt: google searching goodish clinical poster

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