Monday, September 07, 2020

Copyright webinars in the UK and the USA

A couple of webinar series, one aimed at library and information professionals in the UK, one at those in the USA (bearing in mind that there are differences in the two countries' copyright legislation).
UK. One series I've mentioned before is being run by the Copyright Literacy team of Jane Secker and Chris Morrison which started up in March 2020 as copyright and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic but it isn't just confined to COVID-stimulated issues, but is useful for current updates on the copyright situation. Some webinars are closed, but most are open, with recordings available afterwards e.g. on 17th July there was a session on the Launch of the University of Kent Copyright Literacy Strategy.

USA. From the American Library Association, CopyTalk "is a series of webinars on specific copyright topics that include orphan works, mass digitization, international copyright developments, pending and recent copyright court cases, the copyright implications of new technologies, and more." The latest is a recording of a session in August 2020: The Road to Mordor: Educating Faculty on Copyright, Fair Use, & Licensing

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