Photo by Sheila Webber: Euphorbia, Feb 2008.
Information Literacy: strategy and research is the title of a free seminar day on Friday 14th March 2008 in Sheffield. The seminars are organised by the Centre for Information Literacy Research, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield. The morning seminar is Strategy for information literacy. The focus of the is session is on strategic issues, with a strong opportunities for participation in all three sessions.
- Professor Sheila Corrall: Strategic engagement with information literacy in higher education
- Sheila Webber and Bill Johnston: Towards an Information Literate University
- Strategic approaches for information literacy with Dr Patricia Senn Breivik.
The Afternoon seminar is Information literacy research. This session opens with a keynote setting the context for research and practice in information literacy. Presentations of research studies follow, highlighting three specialist areas and illuminating important areas of research in the workplace and in higher education. The afternoon concludes with a reflection and debate on the challenges and excitements of researching information literacy.
- Dr Patricia Senn Breivik: A global agenda for information literacy
- Chris Rhodes and James O’Brien: The IL research agenda as seen by legal information professionals: report on a Delphi study.
- Maryam Nazari: Conceptions of geospatial information and the implications for information literacy education
- Dr Alexis Smith Macklin: A Problem-based learning (PBL) approach for teaching complex information and communication technology (ICT) literacy skills.
- Professor Nigel Ford and Sheila Webber: Research approaches to information literacy: dilemmas, delusions and delights.
More information at http://dis.shef.ac.uk/sheila/14March2008.pdf
How to book: You can apply for a place in the morning seminar, the afternoon seminar, or both seminars. There is a limit of 25 people in the morning and 40 in the afternoon. The morning numbers are more limited to encourage active debate in a smaller forum. The seminars are free. Tea and coffee are provided as indicated, but lunch is not. If you wish to attend, please email Maryam Nazari at maryamnazari76@gmail.com, making it clear which part(s) of the day you wish to attend.