I have put the poster (as a pdf of a ppt...) on Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/sheilawebber/
The description is "It is a mindmap of information literacy research: areas of information literacy & information behaviour that are/could be researched, plus branches addressing the issue of who is researching and why they are researching. It includes some findings from delphi studies undertaken in 2006 and 2007, investigating what UK library/information people think are top priorities for information literacy research. The poster is authored by Sheila Webber, Sheila Corrall and the Information Literacy Research classess 2005/6 and 2006/7 (Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield)"
There was an information literacy track at the conference, although in the end I spent most of my time with the posters, except for going to Alex Byrne's keynote. Several colleagues presented at Umbrella too - Sheila Corrall on "IT governance", Paul Clough and Simon Tucker on "Trends in multimedia retrieval" and Philippa Levy on Theories of Change for evaluating educational projects. Paul and Andrew Cox also did a "Web 2.0" poster. I might pick up on some of these things in a future entry.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Kings Cross, on my way to Hatfield.