Monday, March 24, 2014

Lifewide magazine and e-book

Thanks to Bill Johnston for alerting me to the Lifewide magazine, which is a product of the Lifewide community "a social enterprise formed in 2011 to develop and support a community of interest formed around the ideas and educational practices that promote and support lifewide learning and personal development." In particular they encourage initiatives in universities that are extra- and co-curricular and develop understanding and skills relating to outside formal education. The magazine includes some short and interesting articles related to a conference they held. For example, Professor Marcia Baxter Magolda talks about The journey to self-authorship and a more meaningful life: "self authorship" refers to someone (in a longitudinal study she is engaging in) learning to work out what he really wants out of life and listen to his own voice, after having made initial choices about study and employment without thinking critically about them. Other examples are a student's account of how her approach to learning changed at university, and a summary of a major European Union project on Open Learning. The magazine is at
The e-book is Lifewide Learning & Education in Universities and Colleges and its purpose is "to recognise and celebrate the many different ways in which universities are encouraging, supporting and recognising lifewide learning and personal development". There are freely downloadable chapters describing initiatives at various universities, in particular where there are awards for extra curricular activities e.g. "The Ulster EDGE Award: Supporting the Development of Student Employability" and (about Sheffield Hallam University) "Towards the Devolution of Lifewide Learning Awards through Verifiable Digital Badges". The e-book is at
Photo taken from the webcam operated by Sheffield University: the peregrines are nesting again at Sheffield! 2 eggs so far:

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