Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Information Literacy at the Workplace: A Suggested Model for a Developing Country

A new article in the (priced) journal Libri.
Jimadu, I. and Kaur, K. (2014) Information Literacy at the Workplace: A Suggested Model for a Developing Country. Libri, 64(1).
The authors identify some information literacy models frequently mentioned in the literature and then critique them in relation to what they see as the Nigerian and workplace situation. They then propose their own alternative model of IL in the workplace with three stages: share knowledge, analyse task and execute task.
Just as a minor niggle since I noticed it: they did make a small mistake when citing one of my publications (saying we were studying Australian academics, rather than British ones), but I should really just be happy to be cited;-)
Contents page for the issue is at:
Photo by Sheila Webber: Lion court, Nazrid Palace, Granada, March 2014

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