A couple of weeks ago I posted the web address for the Alexandria Proclamation about information literacy and lifelong learning, produced on 9 November 2005. There are now translations into a number of languages, and a 2-page press release which includes the information that "Building upon the results and outcomes of the regional meetings, a series of thematic meetings will next be held, concentrating in depth on particular socioeconomic sectors such as Business and Economic Development, Education and Learning, Health and Human Services, and Governance and Citizenship. Finally, the results and outcomes of the various sector meetings will then be consolidated and analyzed for possible worldwide consensus and prioritizing. The regional and thematic/sector meetings will then be followed by the third stage - - a major World Congress on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, which will be held in 2008."
http://www.infolit.org/International_Colloquium/index.htmThe original conference website, with information about who attended and the agenda for the day is at
http://www.bibalex.org/infolit2005/Home.htm(Photo by S. Webber: Circular Quay, Sydney, November 2005)