Looking up a website for something I'm writing reminded me about web-based material relating to Cardiff University's information literacy, namely:
- The Information Literacy page on their website.
- Jackson, C. (2005) "Integrating information literacy into an undergraduate law course." paper presented at the UKCLE seminar on teaching and learning for legal skills trainers, 16 February 2005. http://www.ukcle.ac.uk/resources/
biall/jackson.html (this is a paper, not a PowerPoint)
- Jackson, C. and Clinch, P. (2006) "Information literacy: building the team." PowerPoint presented at Gregynog colloquium 2006. http://gregynog.glam.ac.uk/presentations/1306062Aa.ppt
- Jackson, C. and Mogg, R. (2004) "Cardiff University." In: Peters, J. (ed) Learning outcomes for information literacy. London: HEA/SCONUL. pp22-30. http://www.sconul.ac.uk/groups/information_literacy/papers/outcomes.pdf (this is the web address for the pdf of the whole publication)
- Mogg, R. (2002) Mogg, R. An investigation into the information literacy skills needs of first-year undergraduates and into an appropriate method of assessing incoming students' information literacy abilities at Cardiff University. MA Dissertation, University of Sheffield Department of Information Studies. Go to http://dis.shef.ac.uk/dispub/ and search for Mogg.
- Thornton, S. (2005) "Embedding information literacy into a politics module: lessons learned from a pilot study at Cardiff University." PowerPoint presented at Liaisons Dangereuses - Where are we going with academic liaison? (Steve Thornton is a Politics lecturer) http://www.swan.ac.uk/lis/
Photo by Sheila Webber: Late summer fruits at the Farmers' market, August 2006.
looks interesting. I like Cardiff uni ... could not open the last powerpoint hthough ... is the link right?
Hmmm .... it works when I try it ... there is a link to the ppt from http://www.swan.ac.uk/lis/ucrwales/eng/pastevents.htm (you need to scroll down the page and the link is Steve Thornton's name in the text for the "25th May 2005. Liaisons Dangereuses " event)
oh thanks ... will do it now!!!
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