The CILIP University Colleges & Research Group invites applications for the 2007
UC&R Innovation Award, which rewards an individual, group or team pursuing innovation and excellence in the area of learning and teaching, and learner support, within academic, national or research libraries. Relevant activity is defined broadly and might involve one, or more of the following: initiating or developing new services; creating learning materials, packages etc; developing relevant applications of new technology; establishing new partnerships/collaborative relationships; undertaking research into any aspect of learner support; writing or achieving publication of a relevant piece of work; delivering a conference paper; staging a relevant event/promoting an individual initiative.
The Award is open to any member of staff employed in academic, national or research libraries in the UK, and to students hoping to work in these institutions. The application form is available from the lis-ucr file store
http://tinyurl.com/goxf8. The recipient must submit a report within 12 months of receiving the award. Four copies of letters of application and any supporting documentation should be sent by January 31st 2007 to: Gareth J Johnson, Tel: +44 (0)115-84-67544 Fax: +44 (0)115-84-68244
Photo by Sheila Webber: Bilbao buses are called Bilbobuses, & presumably favourite with Hobbitses (sorry).
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