Some of this is rather Old News which I meant to post this some time ago. The new news is that new public library quality standards for public libraries in Scotland have been published. The document is:
Scottish Executive & Scottish Library and Information Council. (2007) Building on success: a public library quality improvement matrix for Scotland. SLIC. http://www.slainte.org.uk/files/
The "quality indicators" are: Access to information; Community and personal participation; Meeting readers’ needs; Learners’ experiences; Ethos and values; Organisation and use of resources and space; Leadership. Helping people develop information literacy is mentioned under "access".
The older news is that in January Learning and Teaching Scotland launched a resource for pupils aged 9-18. It contains learning objects, plus notes for teachers which includes pedagogical rationale underlying the materials. In fact this material was delivered to L&T Scotland a while ago, I think, as it is a project in which Bill Johnston was involved (there is a research report,
Information literacy and study skills: an overview of research for LT Scotland, from him and Tony Anderson, also from Strathclyde University, on the website). http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/informationliteracy/index.asp
Scottish Executive & Scottish Library and Information Council. (2007) Building on success: a public library quality improvement matrix for Scotland. SLIC. http://www.slainte.org.uk/files/
The "quality indicators" are: Access to information; Community and personal participation; Meeting readers’ needs; Learners’ experiences; Ethos and values; Organisation and use of resources and space; Leadership. Helping people develop information literacy is mentioned under "access".
The older news is that in January Learning and Teaching Scotland launched a resource for pupils aged 9-18. It contains learning objects, plus notes for teachers which includes pedagogical rationale underlying the materials. In fact this material was delivered to L&T Scotland a while ago, I think, as it is a project in which Bill Johnston was involved (there is a research report,
Information literacy and study skills: an overview of research for LT Scotland, from him and Tony Anderson, also from Strathclyde University, on the website). http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/informationliteracy/index.asp
Photo by Sheila Webber: Water feature, Sheffield Station, April 2007.
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