Information Literacy - Getting to grips with the Google Generation is a seminar organised by the Career Development Group London and South-East Divisions on 7 November 2007 6-8pm. It takes place in London (SOAS) Costs are CDG Members: £20, Non-members: £25; Students and the unwaged £15. The Workshop leader is
Jane Secker, Librarian, Centre for Learning Technology, London School of Economics. It is aimed at staff new to information literacy. It provides some valuable basics on what is information literacy, how it relates to other 'digital literacies' and how it applies across the library sectors. More information and booking:
GettingtogripswiththeGoogleGeneration.htmPhoto by Sheila Webber (taken in Second Life): This is the sort of thing that the Google generation generally seem to be leaving to us elders.
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