New from the LIMES project is
Developing a Module on Information Literacy (IL) by Barbara Chivers. Aimed at those teaching library and information professionals, there are five "chapters" with titles like "Learning Theories and Information Literacy" which provide summaries of some theories and issues, and short reading lists. There are also supporting documents, including an example assessment briefing and mark sheet for an assignment "Design and prepare a training event to develop information literacy skills" (remember these material are aimed at those teaching librarians, not at the librarians teaching learners, though the material might be useful to them for inhouse training. THe material can be used freely for non commercial purposes with acknowledgement.
CONTENT/information-literacy/index.htmPhoto by Sheila Webber: St Pancras station roof, Feb 2008
Where on earth (not literally, I know you were in St Pancrase International)when you took that awesome photo?
See, I told you I read your blog for pics not the content!!
Actually not strictly true but Information Literacy is something that I brush against rather than something I immerse myself in.
Thanks for telling us about this excellent resource.
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