The Cooperative Online Repository for Information Literacy Editorial Board has announced the end of the CORIL project. CORIL was a Canadian initiative to share materials relating to information literacy teaching, so it contains handouts, presentations and other material. To quote the announcement on the ILIG discussion list on Tuesday: "The planning involved in creating CORIL and the process of implementing and sustaining it over the past five years, represents significant deliberation and commitment by many of our colleagues. While in theory the project has had widespread support among instruction librarians, the CORIL collection only slowly has grown to thirty-eight items and for the past nine months has remained virtually dormant. Material in the repository will remain available for the foreseeable future, however no new content will be added." To see what is there go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: Inside the Glimmingehus, Sweden, May 2008.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Inside the Glimmingehus, Sweden, May 2008.
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