Apologies for not posting for a few days: I'm in Moscow at the moment on a pre-Christmas break. I have been meaning to post about the meeting on an
Information Literacy Framework for Wales that took place 30 Nov to 1st Dec at Gregynog Hall, but thought that I'd wait til I'd put my own powerpoint on Slideshare. I still haven't got round to doing that, so it is about time I said something on this excellent meeting (I
will post the presentation when I get back to the UK).
One of the good things about waiting is that other people do the blogging instead! Therefore I refer you to a very thorough post from Karl Drinkwater at the Regional Support Centre Wales at
http://blogs.rsc-wales.ac.uk/lr/2009/12/01/an-information-literacy-framework-for-wales/ and one on the WHELF (Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum) blog at
They both feature the international information literacy logo, which I publicised as part of my presentation (I was talking about international perspectives).
The meeting had representation from a variety of sectors (the workplace sector was the only one under-represented) and as well as presentations from each sector, there were productive group discussions (this shows one of the feedback sessions), and the outcome was a prioritised list of actions to work in a practical way towards a framework.
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