"OERs (Open Educational Resources) are a growing area of interest, both in the UK and internationally, and a community of practice for librarians and educational technologists to share ideas and resources in re-using and re-purposing information literacy learning objects has emerged. The DELILA Dissemination event will be a day of talks and a workshop to exchange ideas and good practice and to experiment with existing information literacy and digital literacy OERs." You are encouraged to bring a poster publicising anything you have to do with OARs. The day runs 10.30-3.30pm. The DELILA blog is at
To book a place, please send the following information to Tom Inkelaar tom.Inkelaar@london.ac.uk by 1st July 2011: Full name, Job title, Institution, Postal address, Postcode, E-mail address, Contact telephone
Although this is a free event, if you book a place and do not attend without letting us know in advance then you will be invoiced £25 to cover administration costs.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Bees love the poppies, June 2011
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