2. Yarmey, K. (2011) "Student Information Literacy in the Mobile Environment." EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 34 (1). http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/StudentInformationLiteracyinth/225860 A longer article which reports on a survey at the University of Scranton, USA. Their "Smartphone Survey" was aiming to investigate students' use of them for searching and evaluating information, and assimilating the information. "The results of the Scranton Smartphone Survey indicate that, while students are interested in using their phones for academic purposes, they still require guidance from educators to choose the most appropriate mobile resource and to evaluate mobile websites and mobile apps." One interesting thing was the range of things (e.g. spoken words, barcodes, pictures) used to start a search, and this varied by device.
Photo by Sheila Webber: First snowdrops, January 2012
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