Sunday, October 08, 2017

Call for Proposals: The Innovative Library Classroom #TILC2018

There is a call for posters, presentations or lightning talks for The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC) conference, which takes place May 8 (posters and social) and May 9 (conference) 2018 at Radford University, Radford, VA, USA. There will be a modest conference fee. Jennifer Ferretti (Digital Initiatives Librarian at Maryland Institute College of Art) is the keynote speaker. "She is the creator of the popular "Beyoncé’s Lemonade and Information Resources" LibGuide and in her keynote she will discuss how art is information. You can use this idea as a jumping off point for your proposal, or you can submit anything related to innovative teaching." Submission deadline is November 16, 2017. Full information at
Photo by Sheila Webber: herbs, October 2017

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