Friday, November 03, 2017

The Game is On! #copyright

The Game is On! is "a series of short animated films that put copyright and creativity under the magnifying glass of Sherlock Holmes, providing a unique, research-led and open access resource for school-aged learners and other creative users of copyright. Drawing inspiration from well-known copyright and public domain work, as well as recent copyright litigation, these films provide a springboard for exploring key principles and ideas underpinning copyright law, creativity, and the limits of lawful appropriation and reuse." There is also related material that can be used by educators. The website is " an independent online resource aimed at making UK Copyright Law accessible to creators, media professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and members of the public. The goal is to provide answers to the most pressing concerns creators have about copyright, helping them understand their rights." The website is at

Thanks to Jane Secker and others who linked to useful resources in a recent Twitter discussion as part of

The Game is On! - The Adventure of the Girl with the Light Blue Hair from on Vimeo.

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