Andrew Walsh, @PlayBrarian, spoke about the concept of signature pedagogies - the way we approach IL teaching: there are 3 levels the surface structure I.e. the acts of teaching e.g. using particular softwares. The deep structure is about our beliefs about teaching and how people learn and the 3rd level is the implicit structure, our assumptions and understandings. Going from having a library qualification to being a “teacher” is quite a journey, but often this isn’t explicitly talked about or developed. The CILIP PKSB used in accredited courses controls what is taught in LIS departments in the uk. But this is quite functional and skills based, but many librarians have a much more critical and broad understanding of IL. Signature pedagogy for librarians 10 years ago would have focused on a very functional competency building skills-based approach, but now an information literacy signature pedagogy is more nuanced, critical and contextual to the learner, it’s more about enabling and supportive. In Huddersfield university the library subject team have been trying to develop a team-based approach to developing IL teaching, that is compassionate, inclusive, empowering, transformative, reflexive and reflective. Initially this was at the surface level, but increasingly ,y they have been trying to look at the deep structure of their signature pedagogy. Is it possible to move towards a new national signature pedagogy for IL.
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