Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Webinar: Building a National Alliance for Media and Information Literacy

MILA logo

There is a free webinar from the UK's Media and Information Literacy Alliance on 31 October at 15:30 - 17:00 GMT (note - the time difference between the UK and North America is one hour less than usual this week, so that's 11.30-13.00 EST): Building a National Alliance for Media and Information Literacy
"In this webinar, we will share our experience, in the UK, of developing a national initiative to advocate for media and information literacy (MIL), encourage capacity-building and help to build the MIL evidence base. The webinar will be introduced by a panel made up of six of MILA’s trustees. We will address the challenges of raising awareness of MIL across society, not least among policymakers and educationalists; and of fostering collaborations between the different players that have an interest in MIL and associated literacies."
Go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/media-and-information-literacy-alliance-global-mil-week-webinar-tickets-1040651846687?

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