Friday, January 24, 2025

New articles: Teacher agency; Disciplinary difference; Empathy; Badging

photo of a childs toy coloured snake draped over a street sign

The latest issue of portal: libraries and the academy (priced journal) is vol. 24 issue 4, 2024. Articles include:
- Baer, A. (2024). The Role of Librarian-Faculty Relations in Academic Instruction Librarians' Conceptions and Experiences of Teacher Agency. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(4), 867-891. "This article reports on findings of an online survey about academic instruction librarians' conceptions and experiences of teacher agency in relation to their instructional work, and, more specifically, on the role of librarian-faculty relationships in these conceptions and experiences."
- Buckley, C.E., Scott, R.E., Shelley, A., Thayer-Styes, C., & Murphy, J.A. (2024). Disciplinary Differences and Scholarly Literature: Faculty Experiences with Discovery, Browsing, and Formats. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(4), 737-763. "The findings detail several ways in which disciplinary and personal experiences shape scholars' practices. The authors discuss the perceived disconnect between browsability, discovery, and access of scholarly literature and explore solutions that make the library central to discovery and browsing."
- Davis, L., Albro, M., Mack, T., & Royse, M. (2024). Authentic Connection: Engaging with Students through Empathy. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(4), 689-703.
- Young, L.M. (2024). Digital Badging for Information Literacy Instruction: Diffusion of Innovations Analysis and Case Study. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(4), 705-723. "This paper offers an analysis of badging in higher education and considers the strengths and weaknesses of digital badging for asynchronous information literacy instruction by employing Dr. Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations theoretical lens"
Photo by Sheila Webber: lost item series, 2024

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