Last night (Monday 17th) there was a feature on blogging in Iran in the BBC Radio 3 programme Night waves: it was "a discussion of
We are Iran, a book of web-diaries which offers young Iranians the chance to express opinions in cyberspace about subjects including the condition of women and of repression and its subversion." You can download the programme from the BBC website up until 23rd October, from
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/nightwaves/ (the blog feature is towards the end of the programme)
Thanks also to my colleague Nigel Ford for "alerting" me to this item
Nielsen, J. (2005) "Weblog usability: the top ten design mistakes."
Alertbox, 17 October.
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/weblogs.html(Phot0 by S. Webber, Oct. 2005)