Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Personal Information Management

Whilst checking to see whether the article mentioned in the previous entry was still in the "free issue" (answer, no) I discovered that the current free issue is also interesting, namely Communications of the ACM Volume 49 , Issue 1 (January 2006) which focuses on Personal Information Mangement. Articles include "Searching to eliminate personal information management" (you can search for everything! you don't need to manage it!), "Keeping encountered information" ("Utility, serendipity, and the pleasure of encountering what we save relies on more than search alone when using PIM tools") and an article by one of my colleagues (Professor Steve Whittaker) here, "Email in personal information management". Until it's replaced by the next month you will be able to get free access to this by going to, and clicking "Free issue" in the column on the left.

Photo by S. Webber: Bird (think it's an immature blackbird), Photoshopped ("drybrush" effect) as it was a bit blurred, Feb 2006.