In the interviews, librarians said they would like to do more e.g. “The approach I’d like to see is more integration with the curriculum, more developmental.” However, there wasn’t a clear strategy of how to achieve this. To move forward from this position, a planning day was held for Griffith librarians, with involvement of the educational developers at Griffith too. They reflected on the results of the IL surveys, started to reformulate their definition and vision for IL at Griffith, and identified strategies and targets for IL. One of the lessons for me is that you need to keep working on and revisiting your strategy for IL even if it feels like you are doing quite well, as Griffith had developed a “Blueprint for IL” relatively early (1994), has done a good deal of work in this area, and, as can be seen from the survey, has achieved quite a bit compared with some universities. You might like to look at their Information Literacy toolkit at http://www.griffith.edu.au/centre/gihe/
griffith_graduate/toolkit/infoLit/why.htm which has quotes from students, examples of assessment etc.
The paper was called “Crossing the divide: information literacy values and practices of Griffith University librarians.” In due course the ppts will be made available on the LLL conf website
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