Lifelong Learning is often associated with Information Literacy and there are some initiatives in the UK on this at the moment. Firstly,
NIACE hosts an independent
Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning: it started in 2007 and ends next year. There is a long page linking to papers which present evidence on various aspects of lifelong learning, and a paper
The Impact of Lifelong Learning and Poverty Reduction has recently been published by the Inquiry itself. The home page is:
http://www.niace.org.uk/lifelonglearninginquiry/Default.htmSecondly, the
Campaigning Alliance for Lifelong Learning (CALL) was launched on 30th September. It is supported by various associations and trade unions and is planning to lobby the UK parliament on key issues early next year:
http://www.callcampaign.org.uk/Photo by Sheila Webber: Sheffield, October 2008 (Sunday was Remembrance Sunday, and today is the actual Remembrance day)
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