The discussions continue regularly on Infolit iSchool in Second Life (SL), the virtual world. Most recently, Robin Ashford (a librarian from the USA, Robin Mochi in SL) led a discussion about the Academic librarian in Second Life. The picture show the assembled people, mainly from the UK and USA. She was speaking, and other people were using text chat: there is a transcript of the chat here : http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=339. There was a lively discussion so although you don't get most of Robin's comments, there are other observations you might find interesting. Robin recently did a presentation at a conference in SL and her powerpoint is here: http://www.slideshare.net/RobinAshford/
The previous week, a Professor in the School of Education here at Sheffield University (Jackie Marsh, Jackie Darkstone in SL) gave a talk on Out of school play in online virtual worlds and the implications for literacy learning (6th November 2008). Her blog is here: http://digitalbeginnings.blogspot.com/ She has done research looking at how young children are using virtual worlds, particularly Club Penguin. She was speaking in chat, and the chatlog is here: http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=337
Finally, there was an exploration of Infolit iSchool (our island) last week. If you can get into SL, there is a notecard with landmarks and commentary here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/
Infolit%20iSchool/128/224/22/ and the text of the notecard is on the wiki here http://infolitischool.pbwiki.com/
The previous week, a Professor in the School of Education here at Sheffield University (Jackie Marsh, Jackie Darkstone in SL) gave a talk on Out of school play in online virtual worlds and the implications for literacy learning (6th November 2008). Her blog is here: http://digitalbeginnings.blogspot.com/ She has done research looking at how young children are using virtual worlds, particularly Club Penguin. She was speaking in chat, and the chatlog is here: http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=337
Finally, there was an exploration of Infolit iSchool (our island) last week. If you can get into SL, there is a notecard with landmarks and commentary here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/
Infolit%20iSchool/128/224/22/ and the text of the notecard is on the wiki here http://infolitischool.pbwiki.com/
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