Congratulations to Dr Sharon Weiner (pictured), Dean of library services at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, who has been appointed by Purdue University to the first endowed chair in information literacy. The W. Wayne Booker Endowed Chair in Information Literacy was created with a $2.5 million gift from Booker, a 1956 Purdue graduate in economics. The press release at http://news.uns.purdue.edu/
x/2009a/090529BOTMullinsChair.html says that "'She will conduct research and launch additional initiatives to increase students' ability to collect and collate information', said James L. Mullins, Purdue Libraries dean. 'She will work with Purdue Libraries faculty and faculty throughout the university to educate students in information assessment.'"
I emailed Sharon and asked her to resond to a question for this blog: "Do you think it is important to have international discussion and collaboration about information literacy?"
She replied swiftly "I think that international discussion and collaboration about information literacy are imperative! As we share different perspectives, learn from each other, and collaborate on information literacy activities globally, our experiences are richer and better-informed. The inclusion of diverse perspectives can deepen our understanding and further the advancement of our knowledge about information literacy."
x/2009a/090529BOTMullinsChair.html says that "'She will conduct research and launch additional initiatives to increase students' ability to collect and collate information', said James L. Mullins, Purdue Libraries dean. 'She will work with Purdue Libraries faculty and faculty throughout the university to educate students in information assessment.'"
I emailed Sharon and asked her to resond to a question for this blog: "Do you think it is important to have international discussion and collaboration about information literacy?"
She replied swiftly "I think that international discussion and collaboration about information literacy are imperative! As we share different perspectives, learn from each other, and collaborate on information literacy activities globally, our experiences are richer and better-informed. The inclusion of diverse perspectives can deepen our understanding and further the advancement of our knowledge about information literacy."
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