Informs is an "adaptive tool for the creation of interactive online tutorials" which has been around and used for some time (http://www.informs.intute.ac.uk/about.html). It emerged from a project, but was more recently taken into the care of Intute. However, now funding to Intute itself is cut from this August, as part of JISC's cutbacks. Intute just announced that JISC "will provide transition funding from August 2010 to enable Informs to move towards a sustainable business model ... In effect this means we have funding: to maintain Informs at its existing service level in 2010-11; to refresh the software in line with user requirements; to develop and implement a membership business model to sustain it after that date."
Therefore they are soliciting opinions from users of Informs about what does or doesn't work, whether people have experienced problems with Informs and (if so) what work-arounds they have developed. They are encouraging feedback to the discussion list informs-users@jiscmail.ac.uk (you can sign up for it and examine archives at http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/) and directly to Diana Massam at Diana.Massam@MANCHESTER.AC.UK
Photo by Sheila Webber: Spring at last, March 2010
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