Here is a new article about Wikipedia; and a now-free issue of Libri that has a number of good information literacy and information behaviour articles.
Libri has the most recent issues priced, and older ones free. One that is now free is vol 58 no. 3, which includes "Delivering Business Value through Information Literacy in the Workplace" by Bonnie Cheuk and "Information Literacy and Knowledge Management: Preparations for an Arranged Marriage" by Ruben Toledano O'Farrill. Go to http://www.librijournal.org/2008-3toc.html
The new article, which reports on a study where experts were asked to evaluate some of Wikipedia's "featured articles" is:
Lindsey, D. (2010) "Evaluating quality control of Wikipedia’s feature articles
by David Lindsey." First Monday, 15(4 - 5). http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2721/2482
Photo by Sheila Webber: spring cherry, April 2010
Libri has the most recent issues priced, and older ones free. One that is now free is vol 58 no. 3, which includes "Delivering Business Value through Information Literacy in the Workplace" by Bonnie Cheuk and "Information Literacy and Knowledge Management: Preparations for an Arranged Marriage" by Ruben Toledano O'Farrill. Go to http://www.librijournal.org/2008-3toc.html
The new article, which reports on a study where experts were asked to evaluate some of Wikipedia's "featured articles" is:
Lindsey, D. (2010) "Evaluating quality control of Wikipedia’s feature articles
by David Lindsey." First Monday, 15(4 - 5). http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2721/2482
Photo by Sheila Webber: spring cherry, April 2010
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