It is a special issue, edited by Sanda Erdelez and Stephann Makri, on opportunistic discovery of information. Articles include:
Ágústa Pálsdóttir: Opportunistic discovery of information by elderly Icelanders' and their relatives
Victoria L. Rubin, Jacquelyn Burkell and Anabel Quan-Haase: Facets of serendipity in everyday chance encounters: a grounded theory approach to blog analysis
Borchuluun Yadamsuren and Jannica Heinström: Emotional reactions to incidental exposure to online news
Makiko Miwa et al.: A method to capture information encountering embedded in exploratory Web searches
Abigail McBirnie and Christine Urquhart: Motifs: dominant interaction patterns in event structures of serendipity
Xu Sun, Sarah Sharples and Stephann Makri: A user-centred mobile diary study approach to understanding serendipity in information research
Lori McCay-Peet and Elaine Toms: Measuring the dimensions of serendipity in digital environments
Sanda Erdelez, Josipa Basic and Deborah D. Levitov: Potential for inclusion of information encountering within information literacy models
Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn roses, Blackheath, September 2011
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