http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/skills/ University of Sydney, Australia
http://www.newcastle.edu.au/Resources/Divisions/Academic/Library/information-skills/infoskills/index.html University of Newcastle, Australia
University of Leicester, United Kingdom (the link that Mark gave seemed to have been changed: there are various tutorials etc. linked from this page http://www2.le.ac.uk/library/help
http://skills.library.leeds.ac.uk/ University of Leeds, United Kingdom
https://pilot.library.qut.edu.au/index.jsp Queensland University of Technology, Australia
http://www.open.ac.uk/safari/ Open University, United Kingdom
To quote Mark again "Very few e-learning packages helped people with thinking skills, such as critical analysis, synthesis etc. of information found in articles, Web pages, books etc. or navigating and extracting information efficiently" He will be publishing more information in due course in his blog at http://markhepworthsblog.blogspot.com/
Photo by Sheila Webber: red rose, August 2011
We've just moved our pages to a new content management system at Leicester, alongside implementing a new discovery system and changing our journal resolver. Long story short, all the tutorials are being remade to reflect the changes to our underlying systems.
Hopefully the new tutorials will be as good as the old: Mark will have to come back and let us know!
Thanks for the info Katie!
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