Malingre, M-L. et al (2013) "Form@doct: Designing innovative online tutorials for PhD students in France." IFLA journal, 49 (1), 45-57.
"At a time when information literacy is a growing subject in doctoral programs, it appears necessary to assess the benefits of online education in this field and its suitability for PhD students, considering their specific working conditions and learning methods. The purpose of this communication is fourfold: to show how Form@doct, an online portal for PhD students, uses its resources to respond to this need, to describe the challenges faced in e-learning, to explain the final structure that learning content, general architecture and online teaching could take and to assess, by a first analysis, whether the use made of this portal validates our approach"
The (French language) resource they created, Form@doct, is at http://guides-formadoct.ueb.eu/ and the pdf of the whole IFLA journal issue is at http://www.ifla.org/node/7637
Photo by Sheila Webber: early blossom, April 2013
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