I introduced a couple of sessions that I had blogged already. Vicki Cormie introduced the following (ones I haven't blogged, so I will give some details):
1. Vicky Grant and Liz Brewster: Creative pedagogies and health information literacy: the Storying Sheffield Knowing as Healing Project
The powerpoint is here: http://www.slideshare.net/infolit_group/grant-220-lilac
The video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DNaYwOHeI
The article that Vicky Grant co-wrote with a doctor is here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23239770
Vicki Cormie introduced it by saying "I am interested in Health Librarianship, having the Faculty of Medicine under my remit, although I am not so familiar with patient information. This session was fascinating covering a variety of diferent areas, from where and how patients get their information, using storytelling as both an information and therapeutic vehicle for patients, bringing together patients and student doctors and finally, using patient sourced information itself."
2. Teachmeet sessions:
- Quick referencing with QR codes: Sarah Munks and Nicola Howarth. Abstract at http://www.lilacconference.com/WP/programme/abstracts-tuesday/#munks (Vicki said: "What they are doing is putting QR codes physically on the front cover of books which link to web pages which tell students how to reference that particular item")
- Project: Mobile Academics: Anna Kågedal, Ninna Wiberg, Linda Vidlund and Ebba Warén. Abstract here http://www.lilacconference.com/WP/programme/abstracts-tuesday/#kagedal (Vicki said: "This was interesting because it is the Library who is running sessions on mobile devices and apps. They have an ENORMOUS number of devices available and they take them along to classes run in the Library and talk about them to researchers and academic staff.")
- No rock stars involved: Capturing the interest of first-year medical students in a health information literacy session Carla Hagstrom and Heather Cunningham. Abstract: http://www.lilacconference.com/WP/programme/abstracts-tuesday/#hagstrom (They asked medical students to create their own videos - see where medical students actually find the answers http://guides.library.utoronto.ca/content.php?pid=222901&sid=1849893
Vicki and I said more about our chosen sessions, and there was interesting discussion, so do look at the full chatlog here
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