Thursday, April 25, 2019

Peer to peer videos, to support student research #lilac19

Pam Mckinney live-blogging from LILAC.  In the last session today, Kate Courage and Catrina Matthews from the University of Warwick presented about their work to support undergraduate student researchers.  A group of students, academic staff and library staff worked together to create videos to encourage students to engage with academic research. The Warwick Intrnational Higher Education Academy funded the project, where students worked as partners with staff to drive the content and direction of the videos. A series of workshops with the students took place, and these were used to design the approach to the videos and the content that they wanted to present.

Three videos were created to represent stages along a journey to become an independent research. The students had creative control, and they wanted to make sure that the videos were engaging to young people, and weren’t just “boring talking heads”. The videos are used in induction sessions, in lectures and seminars and when students are starting their dissertation research. The project is being evaluated through interviews with academic staff and students, and with staff involved in the project. Staff felt the process really helped develop relationships between staff and students.

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