Friday, May 03, 2019

Innovations in Information Literacy

There is a call for authors for books in the series published by Rowman & Littlefield: Innovations in Information Literacy. "The series has a broad information literacy focus, in content and audience, as well as geographical scope. The cohering element is an emphasis on innovations within information literacy. These innovations might come from new conceptions of the evolving nature and understanding of information literacy, new teaching methods, or new pedagogical technologies. If you have an idea for a manuscript that fits these parameters, and an interest in writing (or possibly editing) a book on the topic" contact series editor Trudi Jacobson at "Send along a paragraph or two about the topic and your expertise in the area, this will be sufficient to start a conversation about your idea."
Information on the existing 3 books in the series:
- Transforming Academic Library Instruction: Shifting Teaching Practices to Reflect Changed Perspectives (AMANDA NICHOLS HESS)
- Teaching with Digital Badges: Best Practices for Libraries (KELSEY O'BRIEN AND TRUDI E. JACOBSON)
- Developing Dynamic Intersections between Collection Development and Information Literacy Instruction (AMANDA SCULL)
is at
Photo by Sheila Webber: after growing from a self-sown seed for about 16 years, the Hawthorn tree in my garden finally flowered!

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