Tuesday, March 12, 2024

AI for Infolit in HE; Generative AI in teaching business IL

Image of a glass bell suspended in a forest with cherry blossom petals

Firstly, a useful padlet of 10 resources on Information Literacy in Higher Education in the age of AI by Daihua Chen at Robert Gordon University (for those who want to use AI in teaching IL):   https://padlet.com/34811368/annotated-bibliography-diswm0hnmlhx9tot 

Secondly, an article reflecting on generative AI use in a business class:
- Jonathan M. Torres (2024) Leveraging ChatGPT and bard for academic librarians and information professionals: a case study of developing pedagogical strategies using generative AI models, Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship. (early online publication). https://doi.org/10.1080/08963568.2024.2321729 "This study focuses on improving pedagogical strategies by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots and library databases. Examples from ChatGPT and Bard were used to demonstrate the quality of information. A cross-examination using a research validation template was conducted; it revealed that no artificial hallucinations were produced. However, the information provided by both AI chatbots was slightly outdated based on organizational changes and did not provide an in-depth analysis of the company."
Image created by Sheila Webber using Midjourney AI

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