Monday, July 22, 2024

New articles: Course titles; Rubrics; Over-confidence; Black Students’ Experiences

Photo by Sheila Webber of some dandelions and other decorative weeds growing by a stone wall in Bournemouth in June 2024

New articles from portal: libraries and the academy (priced publication)
- Adams, A.L., Alexander, S., & Radcliff, S. (2024). Student Perspectives on Information Literacy Course Titles. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(3), 577-611.
- Hobscheid, M., White, A., & Kerbavaz, K. (2024). Strength in Flexibility: Using a Flexible Programmatic Instruction Rubric to Promote Librarian Autonomy and Assess IL Skills. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(3), 553-575.
- van Ingen Lauer, S., & Ariew, S. (2024). Addressing the Dunning-Kruger Effect through Research Logs. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(3), 633-652. (that's the effect where students think they are doing better than they are)
- White, D.E., Munip, L., & Paik, E.J. (2024). Black Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of the Library at a Predominately White Institution. portal: Libraries and the Academy 24(3), 613-631.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Bournemouth, June 2024

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