Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Webinar: Current and Future Literacies: Libraries Leading Literacy Development

Photo by Sheila Webber of the Steam clock in Vancouver in May 2024

A free online panel on 13 August 2024 at 13.00-14.00 BST (current UK time) is Current and Future Literacies: Libraries Leading Literacy Development. It is organised by IFLA's Academic and Research Libraries Section. The speakers are:
Lily Y. Ko (Head, Research & Learning Support, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library): Advancing Literacy in the Digital Age: The Role of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library in Global Transitions
Dr. Sarah Kaddu
, Dean (East Africa School of Library and Information Science): AI in LIS Education in Uganda: a response strategy
Dr. Alicia Wise
(Executive Director of the CLOCKSS Archive): Advancing Biblio-Equity: Digital Preservation and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Post-COVID-19 World
More information here and you must register here
Photo by Sheila Webber: Steam clock, Vancouver, May 2024

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