Monday, February 03, 2025

Media Literacy research and policy reports commissioned by Google

photo of  snow on leaves of a shrub with big sparkling snow crystals

Via EDMO Ireland (a hub of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), links to reports which Google commissioned from Ecorys (a Dutch research consultancy) and which were published September-November 2024
- Research report 1: Putting media literacy on the map – a snapshot of policies and practices in Europe (it looks at 8 European countries, and highlights media literacy, or media and information literacy, initiatives - specifically information literacy is not a focus):
- Research report 2: Google’s media literacy initiatives and partnerships in Europe – a learning review (this includes research summaries and recommendations - the focus is on the Prebunking; Be Internet Awesome; and Super Serachers projects):
- Plus a summary aimed at young people: 

A set of policy briefs (about 10 pages each) on priority media literacy topics, produced by ECORYS with the LSE:
- Policy brief #1: Generative AI and Media Literacy Education:
- Policy brief #2: Enabling civil society to combat disinformation
Policy brief #3: Engaging and meeting the needs of underserved populations:

I tracked down the home page for the reports at
Photo by Sheila Webber: snow crystals, January 2025

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