UNESCO has announced sponsorship of a number of information literacy projects. In one, involving 8 secondary schools and libraries in Tamale, in the northern region of Ghana, "10 students, 2 teachers and a librarian from each school will receive training in computer and Internet skills, in order to enhance the mastery of computer use in the study of subjects such as mathematics, English, science and social studies."
Another is aimed at higher education in Vietnam: " Within 12-month period, the project activities will include four phases:
1. Selection of appropriate key information professionals from about 10 major academic libraries in various Vietnamese regions;
2. Development of pre-course readings and exploration of information literacy practice in other academic environments;
3. Organization of a round table meeting at the Hanoi University of Foreign Studies;
4. Report by the participants on their individual and networking activities.
In addition to basic training, the project will produce a variety of Guidelines, in particular on the information literacy concept, competencies, framework and practical plan, applicable to academic library communities in Vietnam."
A further project is taking place in Nigeria.
There is news on the UNESCO IFAP page at: http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ ev.php-URL_ID=1627&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Photo by S. Webber: Blackheath pond, Dec. 2005.