Most of the powerpoints from the conference Las VI Jornadas CRAI tratarán: Las competencias en información en las nuevas enseñanzas universitarias (held in Pamplona, Spain) are online at http://www.craipamplona2008.org/
index.php?section=22 - you will see the links after the name and titles of the speakers. They are in Spanish apart from my talk (this is the same ppt as I posted to Slideshare and blogged about a few weeks ago). The powerpoint from Carla Basili is not online (it was presented in Italian) but she has directed me to an English-language version of the paper she presented, namely "Theorems of Information Literacy" at
index.php?section=22 - you will see the links after the name and titles of the speakers. They are in Spanish apart from my talk (this is the same ppt as I posted to Slideshare and blogged about a few weeks ago). The powerpoint from Carla Basili is not online (it was presented in Italian) but she has directed me to an English-language version of the paper she presented, namely "Theorems of Information Literacy" at
Photo by Sheila Webber: young leaves in Yamaguchi Park, Pamplona, May 2008
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