There is a new text book about information literacy published in South Africa:
Bothma, T. et al (2008) Navigating information literacy: your information society survival toolkit. Cape Town: Pearson. ISBN 9781770252219. 196pp.
This is a revised edition of a previous publication, and it has an A4 format with many illustrations. The contents are: Information literacy; Information sources and resources; Portals, gateways and library websites; How to construct a search query; Internet searching; Searching databases and online journals; Organising and retrieving information on your computer; Ethical and fair use of information; Referencing and reference techniques; How to evaluate information and information sources; Writing assignments and research reports; 21st Century communication.
Bothma, T. et al (2008) Navigating information literacy: your information society survival toolkit. Cape Town: Pearson. ISBN 9781770252219. 196pp.
This is a revised edition of a previous publication, and it has an A4 format with many illustrations. The contents are: Information literacy; Information sources and resources; Portals, gateways and library websites; How to construct a search query; Internet searching; Searching databases and online journals; Organising and retrieving information on your computer; Ethical and fair use of information; Referencing and reference techniques; How to evaluate information and information sources; Writing assignments and research reports; 21st Century communication.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Chair, Glimmingehus, Sweden, May 2008
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