The event is a mini-conference; a Second Life (SL) based track to a real life conference taking place in Sheffield 25-27th June 2008: LTEA2008 (Learning Through Enquiry Alliance conference). Lyn Parker is presenting a talk coauthored with me on Second Life and inquiry based learning at the Real Life conference (I was in fact on the organising committee for the real life event).
The SL mini-conference focuses on Inquiry Based Learning, and takes place on 26th June from 0.00-05.00 Second Life Time (8am-1pm UK time, or 5pm-10pm Sydney time, which is where I am at the moment). It is a free event, taking place on Infolit iSchool (our island in SL). The focus is exploring the nature of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL), and its use in teaching in both RL and SL. The mini-conference is aimed at anyone who wants to discuss the potential of IBL, learn more about it and/ or exchange experience: you may be using IBL already (whether in RL teaching or SL teaching) or just be thinking about using it. Avatars can attend one or more of the sessions. Anyone who wants to attend in SL should email LTEA2008inSL@gmail.com including their real life and second life names
Full details of the SL event are at http://networked-inquiry.pbwiki.com/About-LTEA2008-in-Second-Life
Excuse the apparent irrelevance of the comment, which is in fact a question: Inquiry or Enquiry? It left me a little confused as the acronym in the photo has an 'E' but the whole phrase has an 'I'.
As I am not a native English speaker and spelling is a literacy matter...
Thanks, Marta
Both are used, to mean the same thing. I think that "inquiry" is in fact more the American usage, but we adopted it for our Centre (Centre for Inquiry Based Learning in the Arts and Soocial Sciences - CILASS) and as CILASS organised this conference the motto for the conference (Learning through Inquiry) used the "i" word. However, the larger number of organisations in the LTEA use it with an "e" so it is the "Learning Through Enquiry Alliance" (the acronym). ;-(
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