I am working on some more reports from the CK5 conference, but in the meantime ... There is a call for chapter proposals for a book,
Collaborative Information Literacy Assessments, to be published in 2009 by Neal-Schuman Publishers. "This book will include chapters co-authored by librarian and faculty teams about successful information literacy assessment initiatives in a variety of disciplines. As a follow-up to our first two books Information Literacy Collaborations That Work (2007) and Using Technology to Teach Information Literacy (2008), this new book will examine collaborative assessment strategies and case studies at the course and program level ... Chapters need to be co-authored by a librarian and a faculty member. Also, each completed chapter should include the following sections: Introduction; Related Literature; Institutional Context; Disciplinary Perspective; Discussion of the Faculty Librarian Collaboration; Assessment Model; Examination of Assessment Results; Impact on Student Learning; Assessment of the Assessment; Conclusion." Send proposals of 1-2 pages to Tom Mackey at Tom.Mackey@esc.edu no later than October 17, 2008 (also contact him with any questions). First drafts of the accepted vchapters (25-30 pages) will be due on January 30, 2009.
Photo by Sheila Webber: part of CK5 conference dinner, August 2008
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