- Badke, W. A Rationale for Information Literacy as a Credit-bearing Discipline
- Crawford, J. Making new friends: an information literacy trip to Washington DC
- Dotan, G. and Aharony, N. Information literacy roles of library media specialists in high schools: Israeli perspectives
- Gonzalez, L. Information Literacy Programs at the University of Puerto Campuses: a current report
- Sales, D. Towards a student-centred approach to information literacy learning: A focus group study on the information behaviour of translation and interpreting students
Markey, K. et al (2008) "The Effectiveness of a Web-based Board Game for Teaching Undergraduate Students Information Literacy Concepts and Skills." D-lib magazine, 14 (9).
http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september08/markey/09markey.html (free)
Nazari, M. and Webber, S. (2008) "Model of Geo/Spatial Information Literacy (MG/SIL): an innovative model for transforming learning in GIS education." In: Proceedings of the EUGISES 2008 conference. http://www.eugises.eu/proceedings2008/nazari.pdf (free)

Articles in priced journals:
- Chu, S. and Law, N. (2008) "The development of information search expertise of research students." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 40, 165-177.
- Furno, C. and Flanagan, D. (2008) "Information literacy: getting the most from your 60 minutes." Reference Services Review, 36 (3), 264 - 271
- Jowitt, A. (2008) "Perceptions and usage of library instructional podcasts by staff and students at New Zealand's Universal College of Learning (UCOL)." Reference Services Review, 36 (3), 312 - 336
- Lwehabura, M. and Stilwell, C. (2008) "Information literacy in Tanzanian universities: Challenges and potential opportunities." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 40, 179-191. (reports on a survey of staff and students)
- Shenton, A. Nesset, V. and Hayter, S. (2008) "Children's conceptualizations of the word `Information'." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 40, 151-164.
- Trescases, U. (2008) "The role of the library in the first college year: the Canadian perspective." Reference Services Review, 36 (3), 301 - 311. (a review)Photos by Sheila Webber: autumn anemones, Sheffield, September 2008
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