There is a call for papers for the
LTEA (Learning Through Enquiry Alliance) 2009 Conference. It will be held at the University of Reading, UK, 14-15 July 2009. Deadline for submissions is 20 March. Themes are: 'High-impact experiences' and 'academic challenge' in the first year; Differentiated Learning - stretching the most able, supporting the less able; Enquiry and Academic Literacy; Technology-enhanced Enquiry; Enquiry-Based Learning and Policy - where now? For the
Academic literacy stream it says "Developing academic literacy, the creation and the communication of knowledge, is crucial to success in HE. Much enquiry-based learning involves the development of these skills, be it through developing appropriate research skills hunting down information (Information literacy), critically evaluating that material and presenting the results in an academic style appropriate to the medium." Hmm, I would have said ALL of that was information literacy ;-)
More information at
LTEAConference2009/cetl-aurs_LTEAConference2009.aspPhoto by Sheila Webber: Frozen lake, Budapest zoo, December 2004.
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