On Monday Information Literacy Week in Second Life was launched. One event was a Spanish-language discussion of information literacy, attended by people from a number of countries, including Colombia, Puerto Rico and Spain. The first picture shows the discussion. Alejandro Uribe Tirado had organised this event, and he has also launched a new blog, aimed at academics and librarians who work in Spain, Portugal or Latin America: called Alfabetización Informacional / Iberoamérica it is at http://alfiniberoamerica.blogspot.com/ (Alfabetización Informacional, or Alfin for short, is a Spanish translation of "Information Literacy)

My first year BSc Information Management students also had an exhibition: in a group exercise they had produced powerpoints which gave their solution to an information problem to do with swine flu. They then transferred this (with embellishments in some cases) to a 3D model of the SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy, in Second Life. There are 6 groups, so there are six of these models, linked to a central platform in the sky above our Second Life island, infolit iSchool. If you have a SL avatar & browser you can still visit this at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/136/211/351/
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