I have been organising Information Literacy Week in Second Life, which runs 9-15th November 2009. You will be able to participate if you have a SL avatar and have the SL browser installed on your computer. The website for the event is at http://infolit-week-in-SL.ning.com/ and that is where updates to the programme will be. The following events are scheduled
-----------------------Monday November 9th
Student exhibition of Information Literacy
4-5am SL time (noon-1pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
First year BSc Information Management students at the University of Sheffield display the models of the "SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy" which they have adapted with examples from questions to do with Swine Flu.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/136/211/351/
Evento en español: Lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas en programas de Alfabetización Informacional-Spanish Event: Lessons learned and best practices in INFOLIT programs
7-9 am SLT (3-5pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
Se pretende reunir a diferentes profesionales que estén desarrollando programas de Alfabetización Informacional con el fin de compartir algunas lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas que dichos programas han dejado, y que sirvan de guía para otros profesionales y programas.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/191/194/26
Organized By: Alejandro Uribe Tirado
ACRL IL in SL Week event
6pm SLT (and ongoing to 15 November) 2am in UK, for other times see
MLIS students at the University of Hawaii collaborate with Alexandria Knight of UCLA on an IL exhibit and event at the ACRL site on ALA Island
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/ALA%20Island/217/42/61
---------------------Tuesday 10th November
Health Literacy exhibit: launch!
9-10am SLT and then ongoing (5pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
Health Literacy is important to help you understand and manage your health care decisions and needs.
Our interactive exhibit will test your knowledge about stroke (brain attack), heart attack and some common medical terminology.
Come learn at our Health Literacy exhibit at Health Info Island!
Exhibit organised by Brielle Coronet, Medical Librarian
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/healthinfo%20island/18/25/22/
-----------------------Monday November 9th
Student exhibition of Information Literacy
4-5am SL time (noon-1pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
First year BSc Information Management students at the University of Sheffield display the models of the "SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy" which they have adapted with examples from questions to do with Swine Flu.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/136/211/351/
Evento en español: Lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas en programas de Alfabetización Informacional-Spanish Event: Lessons learned and best practices in INFOLIT programs
7-9 am SLT (3-5pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
Se pretende reunir a diferentes profesionales que estén desarrollando programas de Alfabetización Informacional con el fin de compartir algunas lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas que dichos programas han dejado, y que sirvan de guía para otros profesionales y programas.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/191/194/26
Organized By: Alejandro Uribe Tirado
ACRL IL in SL Week event
6pm SLT (and ongoing to 15 November) 2am in UK, for other times see
MLIS students at the University of Hawaii collaborate with Alexandria Knight of UCLA on an IL exhibit and event at the ACRL site on ALA Island
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/ALA%20Island/217/42/61
---------------------Tuesday 10th November
Health Literacy exhibit: launch!
9-10am SLT and then ongoing (5pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
Health Literacy is important to help you understand and manage your health care decisions and needs.
Our interactive exhibit will test your knowledge about stroke (brain attack), heart attack and some common medical terminology.
Come learn at our Health Literacy exhibit at Health Info Island!
Exhibit organised by Brielle Coronet, Medical Librarian
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/healthinfo%20island/18/25/22/
Second Life Education Roundtable: Information Literacy
2.30-3.30 SLT
The regular series of Tuesday roundtable discussions, led by AJ Brooks, will feature Information Literacy as the discussion topic. Discussion leaders Lori Bell, Sheila Yoshikawa, and Marty Snowpaw. The SLER website is at http://virtualworldsedu.info/
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
-------------- Wednesday 11th November
HIV Testing and Information Literacy
9-10am SLT launch and then ongoing (5pm in UK, for other times see
Karuna Island is the Second Life sim devoted to celebrating the lives of those dealing with HIV/AIDS and making information, support, and creative services available to them in the SL community. Robin Mochi, Karuna Island Consumer Health Librarian, has created an interactive mindmap on HIV Testing using the SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Karuna/33/50/23
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
-------------- Thursday 12th November
SL orientation for librarians
6.30-8.00 am SLT (2.30 pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
New to Second Life? Learn some SL basics in this virtual workshop. It will be led by Sheila Yoshikawa (Sheila Webber in Real Life, Department of Information Studies, Sheffield University) and Kitty Mumfuzz (Keri Gray in Real Life, who runs Weekes Gray Recruitment (http://www.weekesgray.com/ )
To book a place, please email keri@weekesgray.com with your real life and second life names and you will given the landmark
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
= = HIV Testing and Information Literacy
-------------- Friday 13th November
Opening of "What it means to me": an exhibition on the way people think about information and information literacy
1am-2am SLT then ongoing
This is the opening of an exhibition drawing on quotations about what informationand information literacy mean to different people. The aim is that this will be a growing 3D exhibition that will be flown up to a sky platform at the end of Information Literacy week.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/42/48/20/
Information Literacy Panel: "Web 2.0 Approaches to IL"
Noon SLT (8pm in UK, for other times see
Information Literacy Panel produced by MLIS students at the University of Hawaii. Moderator: (Alexandria Knight) Esther Grassian, UCLA
Panelists: (Sheila Yoshikawa) Sheila Webber, U. Sheffield, Marsha Schnirring (Buk Binder)
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/ALA%20Island/56/191/28
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
= = HIV Testing and Information Literacy
-------------- Saturday 14th November
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
= = HIV Testing and Information Literacy
= = What it means to me": an exhibition on the way people think about information and information literacy
-------------- Sunday 15th November
Information Literacy week: Closing party!
1pm SLT (9pm in UK, for other times see
Come to a party to celebrate the close of the first annual Information Literacy Week in SL, hosted by Sheila Yoshikawa (Info Lit Island) and Adra Letov, at the beautiful Jazz Cat.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island%20International/118/28/35/
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
-------------- Wednesday 11th November
HIV Testing and Information Literacy
9-10am SLT launch and then ongoing (5pm in UK, for other times see
Karuna Island is the Second Life sim devoted to celebrating the lives of those dealing with HIV/AIDS and making information, support, and creative services available to them in the SL community. Robin Mochi, Karuna Island Consumer Health Librarian, has created an interactive mindmap on HIV Testing using the SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Karuna/33/50/23
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
-------------- Thursday 12th November
SL orientation for librarians
6.30-8.00 am SLT (2.30 pm UK time, for times elsewhere see
New to Second Life? Learn some SL basics in this virtual workshop. It will be led by Sheila Yoshikawa (Sheila Webber in Real Life, Department of Information Studies, Sheffield University) and Kitty Mumfuzz (Keri Gray in Real Life, who runs Weekes Gray Recruitment (http://www.weekesgray.com/ )
To book a place, please email keri@weekesgray.com with your real life and second life names and you will given the landmark
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
= = HIV Testing and Information Literacy
-------------- Friday 13th November
Opening of "What it means to me": an exhibition on the way people think about information and information literacy
1am-2am SLT then ongoing
This is the opening of an exhibition drawing on quotations about what informationand information literacy mean to different people. The aim is that this will be a growing 3D exhibition that will be flown up to a sky platform at the end of Information Literacy week.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/42/48/20/
Information Literacy Panel: "Web 2.0 Approaches to IL"
Noon SLT (8pm in UK, for other times see
Information Literacy Panel produced by MLIS students at the University of Hawaii. Moderator: (Alexandria Knight) Esther Grassian, UCLA
Panelists: (Sheila Yoshikawa) Sheila Webber, U. Sheffield, Marsha Schnirring (Buk Binder)
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/ALA%20Island/56/191/28
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
= = HIV Testing and Information Literacy
-------------- Saturday 14th November
Ongoing exhibitions:
= = Student exhibitions of Information literacy
= = Health Literacy
= = HIV Testing and Information Literacy
= = What it means to me": an exhibition on the way people think about information and information literacy
-------------- Sunday 15th November
Information Literacy week: Closing party!
1pm SLT (9pm in UK, for other times see
Come to a party to celebrate the close of the first annual Information Literacy Week in SL, hosted by Sheila Yoshikawa (Info Lit Island) and Adra Letov, at the beautiful Jazz Cat.
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island%20International/118/28/35/
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