There is a call for chapters for a forthcoming ACRL book:
Hidden Architectures of Information Literacy Programs: Structures, Practices, and Contexts. Chapter proposals are due on 1 August 2018. "Information literacy is a well-established goal of academic libraries, yet so much of the day-to-day work of running and coordinating information literacy programs is absent from professional literature, job descriptions, and library school coursework. While the definition of a program is a coordinated set of activities in service of a specific purpose, what those activities actually consist of - and who is responsible for them - is highly dependent on institutional and interpersonal contexts. ... This book will gather program examples to make visible the structures, practices, and contexts of information literacy programs in academic libraries. We are seeking chapters from academic librarians who identify as a leader of an information literacy program who want to share their experiences. Each case study chapter will detail definitions and missions, allocation of resources and labor, supervisory structures, prioritization approaches, and other processes and structures required to make programs work." Questions should be directed to hiddenarchitecturesbook@gmail.com and the full Call for Proposals, including a book chapter template are at
Photo by Sheila Webber: daffodils in Oslo, May 2018
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