The online course taught by Maria T. Accardi Feminist Pedagogy for Instruction, Reference, and Beyond runs from April 1st until May 10, 2019. It costs US $250 and is a Library Juice Acadaemy course. "Feminist pedagogy is an educational approach informed by feminist theory. Students in this six-week course will engage with and explore feminist pedagogy through assigned readings and interactive online discussion. Central questions that will guide the course include: What is feminism? What is feminist pedagogy? What does it look like, and what are its concerns? How might feminist pedagogy inform library instruction, the reference desk (face-to-face or virtual), or any other service or resources the library provides? By the end of the course, students will be able to define feminist pedagogy, identify and describe specific ways in which feminist pedagogy is enacted, reflect on the impact of feminist approaches to library work, and develop a plan for revamping a library resource or service through a feminist lens."
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Photo by Sheila Webber: plants in Lovecrumbs cafe, Edinburgh, March 2019
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